Welcome to menogyal
My name is Althea, I’m the other side of 50. I started Menogyal as I love sharing my life experiences to inspire, and be inspired by other women.
I’m British of Jamaican heritage. I love the fact that I have been influenced by both cultures, which have enriched and shaped my life.
Menogyal is a lifestyle blog for women over 50. Meno relates to the fact that I am a mature, post menopausal woman, and ‘gyla’, is the local name for girl in Jamaican. I’m looking forward to adding some Caribbean flavour to my blog, with cultural, lifestyle, food and travel posts.
I’ve always wanted to blog, but until now I’ve never really had the opportunity to. You know how it is, family, time and money take priority, now that I’m older, ‘I’m seizing the moment’.
I have a partner and 2 boys, all have encouraged me for years to ‘get out there’ as they put it.
I love being up front in my writing. I’m looking forward to sharing my life experiences, ideas, thoughts on anything that I feel maybe of interest or benefit to women my age, younger or older.
I’m what some people might call a ‘foodie’, I just like to cook. I’m a great believer in eating fresh, it’s been a big part of my culture and upbringing. I also enjoy exercising, which is becoming more important to me, as I get older.
I love to travel, mainly to far away places, so I’ll be sharing the places I’ve visited on my blog, with highlights and travel tips.
There’s a lot of noise out there about the menopause, not all of it is positive. So, I’ll be talking about how to positively enjoy and embrace the menopause journey.
Thank you for taking the time to read my intro and enjoy life. Menogyal x

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From fashion to skincare, get inspirational ideas to be healthy, fitter and have a better lifestyle. Get easy to cook recipes, and new ideas on affordable fashion, cooking tips and nutrition for mature women

Embrace your change, with motivational tips, mindfulness, and positive ways to gain a better understanding of how to deal with menopausal symptoms
Inspiration is energy for the soul
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